Reference at SCG Thungsong The customer has been most successful in Condition Base Monitoring System in SCG Cement Business group
Reference at CHEVRON-Funan Platform
Reference at CHEVRON-Funan Platform The customer has a problem with Vibration Switches at Gas Cooler Fan System, then upgrading to a higher reliability system
Case Study Mitrphol Sugar
Case Study Mitrphol Sugar The customer has renovated a Turbine Protection System with an new and economic vibration protection system
Case Study Thappline Calibration
Case Study Thappline Calibration The customer discovers the importance of recalibrating vibration protection system every year
Case Study Tri Energy
Case Study Tri Energy The customer has a problem with Vibration Switches in Cooling Tower System, then upgrading to a higher reliability system
Case Study Thai Union Paper
Case Study Thai Union Paper The customer has renovated a Turbine Protection System with an new API670 system and economic cost
Case Study Thappline
Case Study Thappline The customer has upgraded a Critical Pump Protection System with an new API670 system and economic cost
Case Study EGAT Numpong
Case Study EGAT Numpong The customer has a problem with Vibration Switches in Cooling Tower System, then upgrading to a higher reliability system
Case Study Thai paper
Case Study Thai paper The customer has renovated a Turbine Protection System with an new API670 system and economic cost
Case Study EGAT Wangnoi
Case Study EGAT Wangnoi The customer has a problem with Vibration Switches in Cooling Tower System, then upgrading to a higher reliability system